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Hello, Beloved! My husband is away for a WHOLE WEEK! I know that doesn’t seem like a long time, especially if you ever had a spouse on deployment. And I am in no way trying to minimize how much harder a deployment is on a family than a week without my husband. But for us, it is the longest we have ever been apart in our marriage. And, I ain’t gonna lie, I was freaking out a little bit! But, I understand and now have resolved in my spirit that my help comes from the Lord, and I need not be afraid, or stressed out. In Deuteronomy 33:26, it actually says God will RIDE ACROSS THE HEAVENS to help me! That’s an incredible promise! I will receive that with gladness, ookk?!

Then my mother in law texted me the day before he left and thinking he was already gone, she asked if I was ok or if I was ready to pull my hair out yet. It was then that I realized how much I depended on my husband for EVERYTHING! So much so that it was obvious to those around me, and that made me stop and think a minute about where I was putting my trust and hope.

I have actually been guilty of putting my husband on a pedestal ever since we got married. Don’t get it twisted though, ladies lol. The husband is biblically the head of the household and spiritual leader that we are to respect, honor, and submit to! BUT, I was taking that to a whole other level in the beginning, let me tell you! I knew what kind of man he was before we got married, and that’s what attracted me to him in the first place. He is sold out for Jesus, honorable, responsible, and full of compassion and integrity! But, I let my awe of my husband replace my awe of God somewhere along the way. And that’s no Bueno. Over the years, it has gone from me putting him on a pedestal and treating him like a king to trusting and depending on him for my every need. Needs from helping with the kids, to my security, my peace, my joy, and even the state of my spritual walk at times. All of which are places only reserved for God. And He is a jealous God!

Essentially, my husband had been my idol. And, not in the American idol way, well he is that also, lol. But, I’m talking about a golden calf in my tent kind of idol. Man, that sounds bad, doesn’t it? Any time we put ANYTHING or ANYONE in a place only meant for God, it is an idol. Plain and simple. No condemnation, because there is none in Christ Jesus, but thems the facts, Jack! But, instead of focusing on what I have been doing, I am choosing to focus on the One who can satisfy ALL MY NEEDS, and get me through this week. No, you know what?! Not just get me through, but cause me to walk in victory every moment of every day while making my cup runneth over with peace and joy! I don’t have to settle with getting by! God is not a God of just enough, He is the God of more than enough! The God of abundance! I can count on succeeding in every area of my life, even if my husband isn’t here to “save me.” God’s got my back! In reality, even more than my husband does, and I know that my man always has the best intentions for me and our family.

I admit, I have let a lot of things take a place in my life it didn’t deserve. Anxiety, fear, doubt, my kids, food, approval from others, etc. That can be dangerous because when we take our eyes off of Jesus, that is when we sink. But, if we keep focus on Him, we can walk on water! What about you? Do you have things that could use some rearranging? If so, let’s declare together that NOTHING and NO ONE will have God’s place in our lives! We will choose today to make You alone, number one God! You are all we need! As we continue to seek You, You will continue to strengthen us, help us, and lift us up by Your Right Hand! Amen!

I hope you enjoyed this blog treasure, and that it blessed you! I am trying to set a blogging schedule of posting on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays starting next week. Until next time, Beloved….


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