Good morning Beloved! What a wonderful time to be alive as a believer in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! With everything going on in the world, we can have hope and peace that our future is secure! If we allow everything that Jesus paid for to fully permeate our hearts and minds, we are unstoppable! God has really been speaking to me lately about the remnant, His remnant of believers that have and will remain faithful through these dark times.
In Isaiah 6:8, Isaiah the prophet finally realizes he cannot do anything apart from God and says “send me Lord, I will go.” God told Isaiah that the people would not heed His warnings to turn away from their wickedness and repent. But He also knew that some would. God is just, but also so merciful! He desires and promises to always preserve His people. If we are faithful, (it is impossible to please God without faith, Hebrews 11:6), we can be sure of His mercy!
In Isaiah 6:13, God tells the prophet that as certain trees leave stumps when they are cut down, so will the holy seed, (us, the remnant), be the stump in the land. Again in Isaiah 10:20-22, it speaks about those who remain faithful to God despite the horrible things happening in the land. Sound familiar? Just going to church every week, or watching a live stream in your tighty whiteys with chip crumbs on your chest, does not qualify you as being part of the remnant. The qualifying factor is FAITH!
Jesus tells His disciples that many will fall away in the last days, brother betraying brother. Many people that had claimed to be bible believing, full gospel preaching Christians AND pastors will turn away from their faith in the only One that can actually save them from what is happening in the land. This is such a travesty, but we are seeing that today with many public Christian leaders and believers renouncing their faith.
But, there is an army rising up! The remaining faithful (the remnant) that have stood firm and refuse to relent to political and social propaganda, and hold onto what God’s Word says as truth, shall be saved! And not only saved, but totally provided for and taken care of in order to glorify Him! WE ARE THE CITY ON A HILL! LET’S ALLOW OUR LIGHT TO SHINE! Hallelujah!
I encourage you whom believe to get and stay in the Word of God and let it soak into your spirit like new wine! Meditate on it day and night, and pray in your language and in the heavenly language! Be ever aware of His presence as you go about your day singing new songs unto the Lord, and He will build you up and edify you to do every good work for Him and His Kingdom, Amen?! Now is the time for the church to awake and start working! The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. (Luke 10:2)
I don’t know about you, but I want to be one of those few! I AM PART OF THE REMNANT in the name of Jesus! I desire to be found faithfully working when my Master returns, not sleeping in the field or burying talents, ya know what I’m sayin? Until next time, Beloved….