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Good morning Beloved! This is a battle cry sounding off in the wilderness to an army that is called by His name! To the Holy remnant, the Church, it’s time to wake up, take our place, and position ourselves for battle! For the battle is not near, it’s HERE!

While many believers are taking this time to stock up on endtime goods, cleaning supplies, and masks; we should be taking this time to gird ourselves with the full armor of God! Don’t get me wrong, I am not judging anyone who does make those preparations. I just do not believe that should be our main focus right now. With all the Christian buzz about the world ending and the antichrist coming to destroy us all (as some suppose), it is easy to get a little uneasy. But, we should not be concerned about the antichrist but be focused on The Christ! We should not be looking to see what the devil is doing, but holding fast to what Jesus has ALREADY done!

We are all one body, the body of Christ (the Church). And God has called us all and given us gifts in order for us to function together and individually. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 speaks about our function as “the body”. And He gives us all gifts and His gifts and His call can never be withdrawn! Romans 11:29. So, we are to do our part in order for the body to function in correct unity. If we are asleep, we cannot function properly, right? Imagine you are the best outfielder on the team, but you fall asleep in the grass instead of catching that home run that’s about to be played. It wouldn’t really matter that you are the best, would it? Because you were asleep when you should have been working! Let’s be clear though, if we be in Christ, we have passed out of judgement and into life. John 5:24.

We can be encouraged that God has equipped us with His full armor! But it is for a reason! A soldier does not put on armor unless they are going into battle. God would not have given us His full armor AND instructed us to put it on if He didn’t expect us to fight! A war can be scary, especially if you don’t know the outcome. But, praise Jesus WE DO! There is no need to be afraid, for we know the battle is already won, and WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS!!!! Hallelujah!

Many leaders in the Church today say that we should not think the government has any plans to harm or persecute Christians. They are just trying to protect their citizens from getting sick, right? Humor me for a moment as I just pose this question: who were the ones that crucified Jesus?! It was the political leaders and the “fake holy” folks. So wouldn’t it be naive of us to think we, as Christ followers, do not have a target on our backs by the same crowd Jesus did? I will go even further and say (oh man, I’m probably gonna make a few people mad with this one) America is the only nation founded by Godly, Jesus following men who valued our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS! The declaration of independence says it best so let me allow the first few lines to speak for itself:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” You see, our rights as Americans were given to us BY God, just as our freedom from all sin was given to us by Jesus and the sacrifice He made! So how can I separate them?

And now is not the time to stay hidden and keep our light under a bushel (hidden in our house), or to bow down to baal (government/false means of provision or protection), or asleep (perhaps like wearing a mask as an oxen tied to its yolk of slavery being led like sheep to its slaughter?) NO! Now is the time to wake up from our slumber, stand up for the freedom that both Jesus has paid for and our nation under God has provided us, and rise up as warriors donned in HIS full armor ready for battle!

We got this, Church! Let’s press forward together, as one body, in one Spirit, and one Church, IN UNITY to fight the good fight that we are undeniably gonna win! Until next time Beloved…


© 2021 The Lighthouse of Faith

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