Hello Beloved! I wanted to encourage you this morning in the importance of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ! While some are called to the full time ministry of Evangelism, we Christians are all called to share the Good News! Evangelism is basically your testimony! When we tell others what God has done in our lives, we are proclaiming His goodness! I believe the closer we ourselves get to Jesus in our walk with Him, the more compelled we will be to share because we have received that revelation of how good He is by spending time in His presence and Word! When we have a deeper understanding of who God is, and who He has create us to be, we should not be able to shut up! We should be shouting from the mountaintops how marvelous His works are!
Sharing the Gospel is both our responsibility and our privilege! And when we share, we are doing wise work! For many years of my Christian walk, I was stuck in the rut of feeling like I couldn’t minister to anyone because I had nothing to offer, and I didn’t think I was qualified to share anything God or bible related. I am ashamed to admit it, but I let myself get so distracted with my duties of wife and mother, that I neglected spending time in the Word and with Jesus. I was just keeping my head above water with church, worship, and praying in tongues. All those things are great and vital, but my faith was suffering big time, and I was experiencing defeat in areas that I didn’t have to. The bible states that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God! But, it is difficult to exercise the authority we have been given by Jesus through faith if we are not getting that faith by reading/hearing the Word!
I know I have shrunk back a bit from sharing in such a ‘tolerant’ world. But, in these perilous times, it is even more important that we get off our gospel grits and start sharing WITH URGENCY that God is the Only One that saves, and that Jesus is the Only Way to God! We should not be afraid of what we will say, or what others will say to us when we try to minister to them! Luke 12:11-12 says the Holy Spirit will teach you what to say! We are not here to please men, but God! And it pleases Him so much when we can glorify and lift Him up by sharing the Gospel with those who have not heard. And how can they hear if no one tells them?
We are not responsible for their response, but we are responsible for giving them the message! Jesus gave all us believers the great commission of going into all the world and making disciples! And we are not to be ashamed of the Gospel, for IT IS THE POWER OF GOD! (Romans 1:16) We need to go forward BOLDLY! After all, we have been given the heart of God, and He wishes NO MAN TO PERISH, BUT FOR ALL TO BE SAVED! So, how can we just sit back, comfortable in our own salvation, knowing that there are people out there that God loves, who are going to hell, and that WE can help them by preaching the salvation message to them?!
Remembering that the Gospel is GOOD NEWS can help motivate us to tell others about it. I think for some, including myself, we know salvation is good, but we hide it away in our hearts, content with what WE have, not concerning ourselves with what others DO NOT have! But, a light should not be hidden! (Matthew 5:15) When we buy a house, or have a baby, we share the heck out of that news because it’s GOOD, right? But, sharing that news doesn’t have an effect on the eternal souls of others. So, how much more should we be sharing the Gospel (Good News of Christ), which DOES have the power to get someone into Heaven?!
I implore you today to seize every opportunity to share the Gospel! You can share when you are out at the store, when you take your kids to the park, on social media, start a blog;) There are so many ways, places, and platforms to share these days that there really are not any reasons or excuses not to. Let our lives bear witness, let our love for one another show that we are disciples, and let our attitudes be that of someone others are drawn to!
I pray this encouraged you to share with others what God has done for you! By others hearing your testimony, it opens their hearts and you can then pray for someone else to come water the seed you just planted so God can bring the increase! It can literally save a life just telling someone during your errand runs “Hey, Jesus loves you so much and wants to give you eternal life! All you have to do is accept that free gift by saying yes to Him! Would you like to do that right now?” If they say yes, here is a prayer you can say with them:
Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive me of my sin. Wash me and cleanse me. Set me free. Jesus, thank You that You died for me. I believe that You are risen from the dead and that You’re coming back again for me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Give me a passion for the lost, a hunger for the things of God and a holy boldness to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I’m saved; I’m born again, I’m forgiven and I’m on my way to Heaven because I have Jesus in my heart.
Thank you for reading this, and I truly hope it motivated you! I know I needed the motivation. Until next time Beloved…..