The short answer is…nope! Worrying surely will not add ANYTHING good to my life! But, oh man! What about the long answer? Of course it is still no, but it’s more complicated than that. Worrying is like a rocking chair, it keeps you busy but you don’t go anywhere.
If I were to wring my hands and fret over every crappy thing that has happened to me, I would be even more of a hot mess! And I don’t think anyone could handle that. Lol. My point? DON’T WORRY! It literally does no good thing! But HOW do I not worry??? That’s the question of the day, isn’t it? It just so happens there is an answer! The Bible says I am to cast my cares on God, for He cares for me! The NIV version of 1 Peter 5:7 actually says “cast all your anxiety on Him, for he cares for you.”
Raise your hand if you ever feel anxious? (Both my hands raised) God cares about you! I will say that again because I need to hear it, I’m sure you might too. GOD CARES about YOU! And He even wants you to cast it all, (your cares, anxiety, frustration, ALL OF THE STUFF) on Him so you don’t have to carry it.
My husband uses this visualization to cast his cares on God, and I love it! He visualizes himself literally THROWING whatever is weighing him down at the moment towards God one thing at a time. And he feels lighter and lighter with each pitch. So, no matter how small the worry is, or how massive it feels pressing down on you, give it away! It’s not worth it to keep it, it really isn’t. Love you all😁
Until next time,