I was 23, and I chose to be induced so that Justyce’s father could be there for the birth. (He was working in Denver at the time) So, we went in at 7:30am to start the induction and was immediately told I could not eat once the induction medicine was administered. We QUICKLY left! I was not about to spend the next, however long it took to pop this baby out, with no food! We had a nice breakfast at the IHOP that was next to the hospital and then headed back in to get the party started.
I had my ex husband, both his mom and dad, my mom, and my best friend with me through this whole birth experience. Looking back now, I am absolutely dumbfounded that I would allow my father in law to be IN THE DELIVERY ROOM, TAKING PHOTOS OF JUSTYCE COMING OUT OF MY LADY PARTS! Anyway, I digress…So I get the Pitocin started and wait for it to take effect. It was 9:30 when the IV began flowing. As expected, the medicine started to do its thing and I began having contractions. I was young and didn’t know anything about my options regarding labor and birth. I just did whatever the doctor and nurses told me. I just laid in the bed the ENTIRE time, didn’t walk around or bounce on a ball or anything. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying in any way that women who chose to labor like that are doing something wrong. Everyone has different preferences. I just wish I personally knew then what I know now about my options.
At this point everyone was starting to get on my nerves! There was A LOT of people in that room, and most of them didn’t get along with each other so great. So you can imagine what an exciting day that made for:/ People are snipping at each other, telling me what I need to be doing, and having loud conservations amongst themselves. I mean, they were trying to help me the best they could by wiping my forehead with a wet cloth and telling me to breath. I was just really frustrated and starting to feel a lot of pain. I believe now that the fact that my father in law was all up in my junk with a camera greatly contributed to my not feeling comfortable. Duh, right? Anywho, I got an epidural and the pain subsided a bit.
Then, I started to push and that felt like it took FOREVER! But, it always does right? You’re like, “I am at the end, it’s gotta be close!” And then it feels like it takes five years, when in reality it is seconds compared all those contractions you just went through! Justyce comes out and as she turns her head, she opens her eyes and looks at my mom. My mom thought that was the best thing in the world! Everyone is happy, I am happy. And, happy to be done. But, alas I wasn’t done. Apparently, I started bleeding profusely. I did think it odd that my doctor had his ENTIRE FOREARM inside me! I was screaming, “Get your hand out of me!” He said that if he did that right then, I would bleed out and die. I was like already then, you do what you need to then buddy. The doctor finally got everything settled and the bleeding stopped.
Justyce was a beautiful, healthy baby weighing in at 6lb8oz, 21in long. She was a joy to me then, and is a joy to me now! I feel like my birth story with her is the most “basic” of all my birth stories. BUT, my friends stay tuned! Because tomorrow is Elijah’s story and that one is by no means basic! Hope you enjoyed this blog! Until next time Beloved…..