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August’s pregnancy was very hard! My blood pressure was very high at every appointment, and every time I would go in for an ultrasound, they would say she was measuring REALLY small. At my last ultrasound, they said she was measuring SMALLER than she was the time before. They were concerned that she wasn’t getting enough nutrients. The OB (at TMC OBSTETRIX, not the midwives I was using) recommended I opt for an elective C-section, or at the very least, get induced on my due date. I didn’t want either of those things, but agreed to an induction. A decision I would come to regret!

I went in on my due date to start the induction process. When the midwife took me back to speak with me, she realized how much I was against being induced. She was just about to let me go, and come back when spontaneous labor started! I was thrilled! This was great! But….she decided to hook me up to the monitors to check things out real quick. Ugh, we almost got away free and clear!

She didn’t like what she heard/saw on the monitors. Plus, my blood pressure was through the roof, so she decided to admit me and get the ball rolling on the induction. It was around 8pm on the 10th when they started me on the lowest dose of pitocin. They were adjusting it all through the night according to how the baby’s heart rate was responding. Well, August apparently did not like the medicine too well because her heart rate kept dipping. In the morning, they decided to completely take me off the IV and try breaking my water in hopes that it would trigger some contractions, but it didn’t. In fact, there was little to no progress at all during this labor. I came in at 3cm, and that’s what I stayed at.

The midwife and the OB would come in periodically and try to convince me that going back for a C-section would be the best thing as baby was not handling the small contractions I WAS having. So, how could she possibly handle labor when things started getting intense? That, and the fact that my blood pressure was reaching stroke out levels regularly, were issues of their concern.

Alex had left to go tend to our children, and my mom and Justyce were left to support me. I was hooked up to all kinds of monitors, just chilling in the bed, when all the sudden, no heart beat! And then…thump…..thump, like EXTREMELY SLOW! My monitor started to beep, and tons of people ran in and started tossing to and fro, (as if I wasn’t the size I am lol), and slapped an oxygen mask on me. It was scary! The OB came back in and again, urged me to consider a C-section. I was scared, but I wanted to wait as long as possible before giving up. They were very understanding, surprisingly. They knew who I was, and how much a natural, unmedicated birth meant to me.

Well, a while later, her heart rate dipped dramatically AGAIN! Same scenario, everyone rushed in, and flipped me back and forth. I just looked at the midwife and OB and said “let’s just go back.” I didn’t want to put my daughter through distress just for the sake of having the birth I wanted. But, it still really hurt me! I felt like all this could have been avoided if I just declined the induction from the get go! But, here we were…

And, just like that, I ended up with ANOTHER C-section. This time, Justyce went into the OR with me. Let me tell you, that girl knows how to support someone! She was going through a lot of stuff in her life, and she knew exactly what to do and say to help me in that room. She was stroking my forehead and asking repeatedly “are you ok, mama?” She is a sweetheart! I remember looking at the blood pressure screen as they were counting down on the spinal, and it was like 234/109! In that moment, I really thought I was gonna stroke out and die on the table. I was so scared, I just prayed.

We were considering tying my tubes after this birth, but honestly I probably wouldn’t have if it wasn’t such a negative experience. But, when the doctor asked me while she had me open “do you want to do this? Are you sure? Positive?” I said yes without any hesitation at all. I love each and every one of my babies, and am honored to have so many different types of birth stories. BUT, I am SO GLAD I did go ahead with the tubal ligation during this surgery!!!

August came out tiny, but mighty, with a FULL head of beautiful black hair, screaming her booty off! Justyce kept saying “she’s so pretty, mama, she’s so pretty!” And she was so right! I was able to have what’s called a “soft C-section” where they let you hold your baby right after birth, instead of being separated while you are being sewn back together. So, that was great! August was nestled in my neck the whole time, and I got to hold her back to the room. She weighed in at 6lbs4oz, and 20in long.

That concludes my birth story series! I hope you have enjoyed hearing them! I would love to hear some of yours if you want to share in the comments😁 Until next time, Beloved…..


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