Open/Close Menu Keeping you from shipwrecking your faith on the shores of life

Good morning Beloved! I wanted to encourage you this morning to never forget all the great and marvelous things the Lord has done in your life! For me, it is far too easy sometimes to put those miracles in the back of my head, filed under “God did this once upon a time.” But, as I was praying this morning, the Holy Spirit brought all those great things back to my remembrance, as it says in John 14:26. And I was blown away with gratitude for what God has done for me in my life! Not only salvation, which would have been magnificent enough. But, for all the dreams He has placed in my heart, and the purpose He has set me apart for!

It is amazing when we begin to take an account of all the ways and situations God, in His Mercy, has saved us, protected us, healed us, and placed dreams, hopes, a future, and a purpose in each of us; since the beginning of time! What a mighty God we serve! We can get caught up in our every day lives and can forget those miracles that have already taken place. We can also lose hope in the miracles that are coming. Maybe we received a prophecy or a word at one time, but let that get lost in our minds, and clouded out by other not so good memories. I want to tell you this morning that God STILL has those plans for you! That word you received is still true for your life! The Bible says that violent men take the kingdom by force! Let’s be violent about taking hold of our dreams! Let’s not be complacent about what God has placed in us. Let us March right into Heaven and take what God has already given us and live it FOR HIS GLORY!!!

My prayer for all of us today is that we never forget what God has already done for us, that we never forget the words and dreams and purposes He has spoken over us, and that we never get comfortable living our own lives that we forget to live the one He sent Jesus to die for us to live! Until next time, Beloved….


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