On Labor Day (how fitting) 2011, Isaiah Luke entered the world! Like usual, we were staying at my mother in law’s house for the few days beforehand awaiting his arrival. Same story, different baby: I constantly thought I was in labor. He was due on the 7th, and I usually had my babies a few days late so it was kind of a surprise that he came 2 days early. Alex and I were up late watching ’24.’ I loved that show during that time! I was standing and doing squats, getting things that felt like contractions off and on. For some reason I just knew that I was about to go into labor, but didn’t say anything to Alex about it. At this point, he wanted to wait until the baby’s head was crowning to head to the hospital, lol.
We went to bed and I woke up from really intense contractions around 4am. I didn’t want to wake Alex up for a false alarm so I decided to get up and shower and see if the waves keep coming. They did. And they got worse FAST. This was my fourth baby and by far the quickest labor and delivery! I decided to wait a little longer to wake Alex up so I did my makeup. I started feeling a lot of pressure down under and I knew it was definitely time to head out! I was actually concerned that we wouldn’t make it, because I was feeling so much pressure, so Alex called the non-emergency police number to let them know I was in labor and any officer saw us speeding, that was why. They said we still may get pulled over despite the situation. Thank goodness we didn’t and we made it! When we arrived at the hospital, I was 7-8cm dilated!
When I’m in labor and working through contractions I go into myself, and internalize the pain, I’m in the zone. I don’t really make any noises, which surprises me honestly because I am a pretty loud person. My husband can attest to that! He said that my face got purple while pushing because I was so determined! I just know that at the end of all of it, I will receive a beautiful gift that makes it all worth it! I truly enjoy the process of labor and delivery! Being present and in tune with my body as I bring a life into the world is such a privilege. I want to relish every second, every contraction, and every push. I know, that sounds so weird, but that’s me, I’m weird lol.
The pushing stage was very fast, and he was out! My entire labor was 3 1/2 hours from start to finish. Isaiah Luke was born at 7:32am weighing in at 7lb13oz, 21in. I loved this birth because 1. It was fast, easy, and all natural and 2. I LOVED my provider! I switched yet again this pregnancy to an actual midwifery clinic where I still saw different midwives each prenatal visit, but one of them delivered my baby. So, whoever it was on call, I had at least met them a few times and had somewhat of a rapport with them. I was blessed that my favorite midwife was on call and delivered Isaiah! Once again, I was in awe of the goodness of God during this pregnancy, labor and delivery!
Thank you so much for reading this! I hope you enjoyed it! Tomorrow will be Alitza’s birth story. Until next time, Beloved….